Monday, July 12, 2010

My Best Friend

Thirty-five years ago today I married my best friend. Here is our life so far. . .

met in church. . .became best friends and confidants. . .realized God wanted to bless our relationship. . .became engaged. . .married on the hottest day of July, but our warmth for each other was all we felt that day. . .rented our first home. . .joined the Air Force. . .started a family. . .lived all over the world. . .shared a couple of mortgages. . .shared heartache and laughter. . .shared prayers. . .grew up together. . .grew old together. . .enjoyed grandchildren together. . .now looking forward to another thirty-five years. . .

Happy Anniversary, Honey!  You are my rock when I need stability, my mountain when I need to see beyond myself, my sandy cove when I need peace. You are the one without whom I would be incomplete.

I love you with all my heart, soul, and strength.


tonya said...

Beautiful, Kathy, just beautiful!
Happy Anniversary!

Kathy said...

Congratulations! That's a worthy milestone!